We are here to
help you.

Welcome to CCSA! – you’ve joined a community of early childhood education and care services that use membership of CCSA to make better decisions about governance, management, compliance, business and workplace relations.

We look forward to supporting your service, providing peace of mind so that you are free to focus on providing quality services to children.

We are excited to have you are part of our membership group and we look forward to connecting with you in person or over the phone very soon.

Meg Mendham

SVG Illustration

Take your time
to explore the website.

Start your membership by looking at the materials in the Members Only Knowledge Centre. Here you will find information to assist you to manage your service.
We update this very frequently and encourage you to bookmark this important resource.


Pick up the phone and
speak to an expert.

You now have unlimited access our Member Infoline for help on any management/ HR queries your service may have. The Member Infoline operates Monday-Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm
on 1800 991 602 or (02) 4782 1470 (option 2).

Fortnightly eConnect Access
and more..

You will also receive our fortnightly eConnect
e-newsletters and our special Governance and Management Snapshot and Christmas Pay guide publications.

To ensure you receive all the benefits of belonging to CCSA, please keep your contact details up-to-date on your Membership Account page

We hope you enjoy your membership with CCSA.
Please contact us if you have any questions or require any assistance.


Discover the Member Website right away !