Message from the CEO: 17 November 2021

Since 2013, CCSA has been an active participant in the Equal Remuneration and Work Value Case. Along the way we have sought to work co-operatively with all participants, including unions, employers and individuals to achieve an outcome that is in the best interests of the sector as a whole. After many false starts and detours, the case has reached its end and the work value of early childhood teachers will be better recognised in the Teachers Award from 1 January 2022. Recognition will come through a new classification structure based on accreditation status, increased salaries and Directors Allowance, and the introduction of a new Educational Leaders Allowance. 

While this work has been occurring in the background for over 8 years, it now needs to be front of mind for all services that employ early childhood teachers. The tasks of translating classifications for all teachers, whether they are employed under the Award or an enterprise agreement, determining new salaries and implementing salary increases during the Christmas break will require concentrated effort at an already very busy time for our members. 

But, as always, CCSA will be there to support you through the process. Information on the changes has already been uploaded to our website. We will be conducting webinars, our ever-popular Christmas Pay Guide will provide critical information and examples, and we will be implementing the changes for our Business Solutions clients. I encourage you to participate in each of these; and, of course, our member information line will always be there to take your questions.

Meg Mendham


CCSA members can go here to find more information and to see the teacher pay rates that will apply from 1 January 2021

Members and non-member can register here to attend our “Understanding the Teacher Work Value Case” webinar