CCSA was engaged by the NSW Department of Education to provide Implementation Support to 2023 Start Strong funded early childhood services in NSW.

The Implementation Support included one on one tailored support via phone and email in addition to recorded webinars and live Q&A sessions to support your understanding of the new funding guidelines and how best to align your business model to maximize quality outcomes and opportunities.

All implementation support resources were uploaded on this page as a central location for your reference.

Webinar 1

For centre based community preschools and mobile preschools

Webinar 2

For long day care services

Webinar 3

For mixed service delivery model, with both LDC and community preschool

Webinar 4

Accountability Requirements

Webinar 5

Tracking Start Strong Funding

This support program is funded by the NSW Department of Education and brought to you by CCSA as part of the implementation support program.